Megan Sherman, LMT
I love working with people to find recovery from pain, increase joint mobility, and find ease in movement and life. I became a believer in the effectiveness of massage while moving large salmon around for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Working with a massage therapist I found long-term recovery from repetitive use injury without having to take the path of more serious and costly intervention (though I believe there is a time and place for those options and I am glad they exist!) I also realized my passion for supporting others in addressing stress and strain in their bodies. Since my first massage training at Heartwood Institute in 2003, I have studied at the San Francisco School of Bodywork and Massage, Esalen Institute, the Soma Institute, among others.
Mind and Body Education
MA Psychology in Education: Spirituality, Mind, and Body
Teachers College Columbia University
Mindful Awareness in Body Oriented Therapy Instructor in Training
with founder Cynthia Price
200hr Yoga Teacher Certification
3 Oms Yoga Studio
Soma Institute
with Karen Bolesky in Somamassage
San Francisco School of Bodywork & Massage
Extensive study with Art Riggs, Deep Tissue, Structural Integration
Esalen Institute
with Char Pias
School of Shiatsu & Massage
Sports, Zen Shiatsu, Orthopedic
Heartwood Institute
Initial Certification
with founder Ruthie Hardee